Some Updates
Published article Social Anxiety Disorder Makes You Believe Irrational Lies.
Posting on Facebook and Twitter almost daily. This message on Facebook is receiving a tremendous amount of interest and comments, so it is now posted here on The Social Anxiety Association website permanently. Social Anxiety Disorder Makes You Believe Irrational Lies can be found in the "Even More" section of the site.
Site is continuing to be updated. Our first published poll will end soon. First poll: "How does caffeine affect you?" When we put up another question, we will also publish the results of the first poll. The second poll will be on all pages of the site except for the home page.
Listing is free for therapy groups that we know are running active, structured CBT programs and have leaders who can lead the group appropriately. Generally, we have found the best leaders to be people who have lived with the nightmare of social anxiety themselves and who have learned to overcome it. We cannot endorse specific groups, but we will try to list everything that we know is happening, if the groups fall within our recommendation guidelines. Please ask all the questions you'd like to the group leaders.
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